Modern yet timeless...

Our's is a common sense approach to design that realizes the uniqueness of each human environment within the whole. One’s vision of place becomes an innovative translation of form that is both timelessly elegant in its presence and effectively sustainable by its manifestation.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Metro Says 'No' to Blue Heron?

From  "Extensive studies of the old Blue Heron paper mill site have led Metro officials to recommend against a public purchase of all 23 acres. That conclusion comes as the governor pledges money for the site..." read more.

That doesn't rule out a Private Developer from getting involved.  Certainly, a Public-Private partnership would help circumnavigate the Zoning, and Land Use labryrinth necessary to conquer before beginning any sort of meaningful transformation of the nearly 200 year-old industrial site.  Its going to take an adventurous spritit, creative designers, profound patience, and a common vision to get it done. 

Examples abound... here is one.

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